
Discussion Post-Charisma and Influential versus Self-Sacrificing Leadership

Classmate 1

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Discussion Post 10 – Charisma and Influential versus Self-Sacrificing Leadership

I concur with the notion that possessing charisma and influence are attributes of an effective leader. Self-sacrificing is a character trait that allows an individual to acquire a short time period of success. However, from a longevity perspective, it may cause health and well-being concerns.

Charismatic and influential leaders often have qualities that put people at ease in a naturalistic way. Actually, leaders that possess a charismatic and influential style can put individuals at ease by finding  positivity in a bad situation. This can be accomplished by leaders without having to suppress their personal emotions. Psychologist relate charisma to body language, tone of voice, or simply being a good listener. Being charismatic is mostly related to emotional intelligence.  Most charismatic leaders are skilled communicators and visionary leaders. Effective charismatic leaders usually articulate clearly with the assurance of a purposeful statement. Charismatic and influential leaders are effective at respecting and inspiring their teams to perform at their highest level of productivity. Additionally, charismatic leaders also make others believe in what they are doing in order to achieve organizational goals. These skills are essential for leaders in a diverse workplace and society.

In contrast, leaders who are self-sacrificing are those who work beyond the point of being productive by placing a metric or goal a priority over their health and well-being. As a result, self-sacrificial leaders place unnecessary pressure on their colleagues and employees. These type leaders must learn to make health a priority over job duties and role, if they anticipate life longevity. Self-sacrificing leaders are not helping the organization grow exponentially, due to personal health decline and working beyond the point of actual productivity. Such leadership behavior is not perceived as an effective quality.

In summary, charismatic leaders are known to develop select qualities in order to lead a diverse organization, which is pivotal in a diverse world during the twenty-first century. In order for leaders to become charismatic and influential, one must be able to boost their self-confidence in order to motivate organizational members. Leaders must also be passionate and allow his or passion to shine through. Charismatic and influential leaders are able to lead without fear by taking risk. This type of leadership is admired by members in the organizational group. Effective leaders demonstrate boldness as well as courage when growing an organization. Through it all, including challenging and difficult times, charismatic and influential leaders generally display a sense of humor to its organizational members. These type of leader characteristics (charisma and influence) draw people to leaders by listening more intently. It also creates that X-factor personality trait that others admire and respect in a leader.
Chin, J. L. & Trimble, J. E. (2015). Diversity and leadership. Sage Publications. ReplyReply to Comment

classmate 2

Charisma and influential versus self-sacrificing characteristics are often posed as characteristics of an effective leader. What are your thoughts?
    There have been various theories relative to leadership. There are arguments that charismatic influence is a kind of leadership theory which holds best in dealing with an organization. There are also some authors who are of the opinion that a self-sacrificing leader is more important because members need to see that their leaders are not self-serving and that their actions are for the betterment of the organization and for the other stakeholders of the said organization.
   Charismatic leadership is a concept in leadership theory where leaders are expected to be good communicators who can exude that certain aura which evokes people to perform (St. Thomas University, 2014). This kind of leadership places more emphasis to the leader than the other kinds of leadership mainly because the strength of the organization largely depends on the charm of the leader and how he evokes the emotion and motivation from his members. Self-sacrificial leadership is an emerging concept in leadership theory. There is no blanket, all-encompassing definition as regards to self-sacrificial leadership. However, there are traits common among authors describing such leadership style. It entails the leader being someone who takes risks and absorbs the loss. Self-sacrificial leadership likewise entails leaders to temporarily or permanently forego their personal interests and privileges for the benefit of the organization (Zhang & Ye, 2016). Both styles of leadership emphasize the leader more. What makes the two different is their motivation. Self-sacrificial leadership is more of an altruistic motivation while charismatic leadership may be altruistic or egoistic depending on the leader.
    The leadership style really depends on the organization. Some members resonate with people who are charismatic and influential while there may be other members who prefer seeing self-sacrificing leaders to the effect that they would hold such leader with more respect.
St. Thomas University (2014). What is Charismatic Leadership? Leading Through Personal Conviction. Retrieved from
Zhang, H., & Ye, M. (2016). A Literature Review of Self-Sacrificial Leadership. Psychology, 07(09), 1205-1210. doi:10.4236/psych.2016.79121  

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