
Essay about Poetry

I picked this poem thinking this seems like a funny title and it would be a confusing poem that had a simple title but a deep meaning. This poem had a lot of alliteration the roots ere and re were repeated very often,and the only roots used in the poem. The only exception to this order was the the first line in verse five where minotaur was used. The minotaur was placed there conclude to break the steady rhyme. This is cleverly placed to bring the attention of the reader o the conclusion. Here is where/ You can get nowhere” This itself Starts the poem at a negative context and a feeling Of hopelessness. This in the poem represents life as being where you are your fate has decreed to be there is no point of struggling or trying to run away from it. All of life’s problems are symbolized as the corn mazes twist and turns. “Like any other/ You can’t peer over/ And then another. ” The twisting turns in this poem like problems cannot e seen ahead of time you just run into them.

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When you are done dealing with one problem the next one appears. As we try to shape our destinies by ourselves we wake blindly not knowing what we do assuming we we are doing what’s best for us. “Your inner minotaur” is a psychological term which can mean your fear of the unknown or your destiny. In psychology it IS said that you walk on hands and knees blindly until you are able to confront your inner minotaur. Which coincidentally relates with the poem. But on you blunder” shows the severity of our method of pursuing our destiny. To summarize the poem I conclude that this poem shows the futility of life of how no matter how hard we try to run we have acknowledge in the end that we have accept we have go nowhere in life. Like the pace of the poem it goes at steady pace. I am able to connect many of the situations of this poem to my life it shows my problems and how they come unexpected.

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