
art dicussion 3

Question 1. The Evolution of Greek Sculpture
As we learned this week, sculptors in Ancient Greece strove to achieve perfection in the works of art they created. Carefully examine the following sculptures and read about each one in your textbook, course and video lectures, and through reliable internet resources:
Peplos Kore, from the Acropolis, Athens, c. 530 BCE
Warrior, found in the sea off Riace, Italy, c. 460-450 BCE
Hagesandros, Polydoros, and Athanadoros of Rhodes, Laocoön and His Sons, 2nd-1st c BCE
Then, in a minimum of 2 well-developed paragraphs, answer the following questions:

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What specific visual similarities do you observe in these three sculptures?
What specific differences do you see? Consider the representation of the figure, facial expression or suggested emotion, additional objects portrayed, and the role of the viewer for each sculpture.
How is each sculpture representative of the period in Ancient Greece (e.g., Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic) in which it was created?

Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific details about each sculpture.
Question 2. Religious Symbolism
This week, we studied cultures that recognized a pantheon of gods and goddesses, such as Ancient Greece and Rome, and also explored the early artistic objects of the Jewish and Christian faiths.
Carefully examine the following sculptures and read about each one in your textbook, course and video lectures, and through reliable internet resources:
Dionysiac mystery frieze, Second Style wall paintings in room 5 of the Villa of the Mysteries, Pompeii, Italy, ca. 60–50 BCE
Samuel anoints David, detail of the main interior wall of the synagogue, Dura-Europos, Syria, ca. 245–256
The Transfiguration of Christ, Church of Sant’ Apollinare in Classe, 533-549 CE
Then, in a minimum of 3 well-developed paragraphs, address the following questions:

What is the subject matter shown in each work?
What is the belief system or faith represented in each work?
What religious symbols do you observe in each work?
How would the setting of each work have influenced how the contemporary viewer interpreted or understood its meaning?

Be sure to provide citations for any outside sources you reference in this part of your response.

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