
Significance Study of Kanlda Port

S I G N I F I C A N C E O F S T U D Y O F K A N D L A P O R T 2. 1 R e s e a r c h P r o b l e ms Statement of the problem I have chosen this topic to study about economic pattern of Kandla & Non Major Ports with socio economic conditions and port development in Saurashtra and Kutch region. The study is mainly focused on various types of ports that are developed in the said region. This study highlights the problems during the development of ports and on other side gives suitable suggestions to improve their performance. 2. 2 O b j e c t i v e s o f R e s e a r c h
To study the income and expenditure statement of Kandla Port. To study how port facilitate foreign trade volume. To study about the cargo traffic of major and non major ports. To study the ports infrastructural development. To find out the income and expenditure pattern of Kandla port. To identify the benefits and problems of ports. To study future prospects and SEZ development of port. To give suggestions for the improvement of ports. 2. 3 A r e a o f R e s e a r c h – G u j a r a t , K a n d l a . Kandla port plays a major role in the country’s international trade.
Having notched up a string of success, it has emerged as a forerunner, and has carved a niche for itself, by its steady growth and economy of operations. The Port of Kandla was declared a major port in 1955. The Kandla Port Trust was created by law in 1963 to manage the new port. The Port of Kandla Special Economic Zone (KASEZ) was the first special economic zone to be established in India and in Asia. Established in 1965, the Port of Kandla SEZ is the biggest multiple-product SEZ in the country. Covering over 310 hectares, the special economic zone is just nine kilometers from the Port of Kandla.

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Today, the Port of Kandla is India’s hub for exporting grains and importing oil. This self-sufficient port is one of the highest-earning ports in the country. Major imports entering the Port of Kandla are petroleum, chemicals, and iron and steel machinery, but it also handles salt, textiles, and grain. Figure 2 Kandla Port, a national port, is one of the eleven most important ports of India. This port is situated on Kandla stream. The first investigation of this stream was undertaken by the British Royal India Navy in 1851 and a detailed survey done in 1922.
This port is developed by Joint project of Maharao Shree Khengarji-III and British Government in the 19th century. The Kandla port came into existence in the year 1931 with a single Peir construction. Later on with the loss of Karchi port to Pakistan during partition, after independence the government of India chose Kandla as an ideal sea outlet. Thus the Kandla Port was developed and since then Kandla port has played a pivotal role in enhancing country`s maritime trade. Standard dry cargo treatment capacity of Kandla Port is 24,000 metric tons per day.
The port is under Ministry of Commerce and is managed by a Port Trust with a Chairman as its head. The Kandla Port Trust is run by a board of trustees. There is an administrator – representative of the ministry of Commerce – appointed for the management of a free trade zone known as the Kandla Free Trade Zone placed near the port where hundreds of small and international companies are also sited. Owing to fast progress of Kandla port close city like Gandhidham also developed faster. Kandla port plays a major role in the country`s international trade.
Having notched up a string of success, it has emerged as a forerunner, and has carved a niche for itself, by its steady growth and economy of operations. Kandla port is well equipped with infrastructural. It has 10 berths, 6 oil jetties, 1 maintenance jetty, 1 dry dock and small jetties for small vessels, which can accommodate from large to small vessels. Near all these terminals and jetties there are storage facilities for cargo from containers to petroleum. The port is also outfitted with Sixteen Wharf cranes. Apart from this, the port also provides for additional facilities for international traders.
Due to its strategic location it is the connecting hub for Northern, Western and Central India. Kandla also has the country`s only Free Trade Zone Kandla Port, the foundation stone for which was laid by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, has 1800 metres of dry cargo berths where in a straight line, ten ships could easily be accommodated. It has berths for a tanker also where chemicals, vegetable oil etc are handled. Kandla today has become the hub of India`s foodgrains and oil imports. Kandla is a self sufficient, self enhancing Port.
It is also among the highest revenue earning Port of India. The Port is the nearest, most economical and most convenient for handling imports and exports of the highly productive granary and industrial belt stretching across Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pardesh, Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Kandla Port is the most economical major port in terms of tariff and operational expenditure. The efficiency and all requisite user facilities nevertheless confirm to international standards. The Port is up to date with the latest technological innovations.
Happy labour-management relations and economical handling of heterogeneous cargo is considered the key element to the success of the Port of Kandla. The port has floated a global tender for a two-year capital dredging contract of 20 million cubic metre at an estimated cost of Rs 100 crore. Kandla Port attained new levels of performance in fiscal 2006-07, establishing a new record by handling a cargo volume of 52. 98 million tonnes, in the process entering into the select league of ports that have registered a throughput of 50 million tonnes or more.
Excellent infrastructural facilities, well-connectivity with the rest of the country by road and rail networks, all-round services provided with efficiency and transparency, lowest port tariff and the envious cost-effectiveness are the major strengths of Kandla Port. LOCATION The Major Port of Kandla, situated about 90 km off the mouth of Gulf of Kachchh in the Kandla Creek at Latitude 23 degree 1 minute North and Longitude 70 degree 13 minutes East, is the lone Major Port on the Gujarat coast line along the West Coast of the country.
Amongst the 12 Major Ports in the country, Kandla occupies an enviable position, both in terms of international maritime trade tonnage handled and financial stability and self-sufficiency attained year after year. A gateway to the north-western part of India consisting of a vast hinterland of 1 million sq. km stretched throughout 9 states from Gujarat to Jammu & Kashmir, the Port has a unique locational advantage. The Port’s hinterland is well connected with infrastructural network of metre gauge and broad gauge railway system as well as State and National Highways.
HISTORICAL LEGACY: As a humble beginning in the year 1930 by the great visionary, the late Maharao Khengarji III of the princely State of Kachchh, for a deep-draught closed port in his kingdom, the Kandla Port on, with the loss of Karachi port to Pakistan during partition, independent India was deprived of a sea outlet in its North-West region. In order to offset this loss, the Indian government chose Kandla Port as an ideal sea outlet to be developed as a Major Port on the West Coast for arrying on the international maritime trade of the country and thus, Kandla Port was developed as a Major Port. Port of Kandla, since then, has been playing a pivotal role in the country’s international maritime trade, contributing its mite for the growth and development of the national economy. The Port has grown and matured itself not only in age but also in creating infrastructural facilities in and around the Port, handling volumes of import and export trade year after year and attaining a very sound financial status ahead of a number of other Major Ports in the country.
Thus, Kandla Port has been playing a pivotal role in the national economy and contributing a handsome amount of foreign exchange earnings to the national Exchequer every year. THE EVOLUTION Due to the loss of Karachi Port to Pakistan after independence, the onus of entire Indian trade was shifted to the Mumbai Port putting tremendous strain on its facilities.
Under the inspirational and able guidance of the great visionary and the Iron Man of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the Indian government on 17th February, 1948 constituted an Expert Committee known as the West Coast Major Port Development Committee to explore the possibilities of establishing a deep-sea port to cater to the vast hinterland comprising the north-western states of the country. The Committee submitted its report on the 30th April, 1948, recommending that a Major Port should be sited at Kandla.
Accordingly, on January 20, 1952, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India, laid the foundation stone at Kandla for the new port on the western coast of India. It was declared as a Major Port on April 8, 1955 by Late Lal Bahadur Shastri, the then Union Minister for Transport. The Kandla Port Trust was constituted in 1964 under the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963. Since then, this Major Port of Kandla has come a long way in becoming the ‘Port of the New Millennium’. V I S I O N “To be Asia’s Supreme Global Logistic Hub” M I S S I O N To transform the Port of Kandla into a most globally competitive logistics hub with nternational excellence leaving imprints in the international maritime arena by exploring its fathomless growth potentialities. S T R A T E G I C & C L I M A T I C A D V A N T A G E All-weather port. Tropical and dry climatic conditions to handle any type of cargo throughout the year Temperature varying from 25 degree Celsius to 44 degree Celsius. Scanty rainfall facilitates round-the-year operations. Uninterrupted and smooth port operations on 365 days a year. No adverse wave effect, being a protected and sheltered harbour situated in the Creek.
The only Indian Major Port nearest to the Middle East and Europe. T H E P O R T L O G I S T I C S NAVIGATIONAL FACILITIES: Round-the-clock navigation. Permissible draught 12. 6 mtrs. Ships with 240 mtrs. length overall and 65,000 DWT are accommodated presently. Safe, protected and vast anchorage at outer harbour for waiting and lighterage purpose. 22 lighted navigational buoys with solar lights, as per IALA system, are provided in the navigational channel. Light house as an aid for night navigation. Fully equipped signal station operational round-the-clock. Four lighted shore beacons. STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCK:

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