
SOLUTION: UC San Diego Week 16 The Beauty of Being a Misfit Lidia Yuknavitch Discussion

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Topic: The Beauty of Being a Misfit

Thesis statement: there is beauty in being a misfit.
1. Main argument
A. Yuknavitch’s main argument is that there is beauty in a misfit scenario for all individuals
who have a reduced sense of belonging. The main argument implies that even in scenarios
of desperation, there is still hope.
2. Rhetorical strategies
A. The speaker has incorporated sufficient authority to speak to the audience because her
argument is logical and supported by various claims.
3. Misfit consideration
A. According to Yuknavitch, I am a misfit because I have missed various life opportunities
simply because I was not good enough. Since I was young, I have been interested in
education more so, pursuing higher education levels.
4. Artfully says
A. I concur with Yuknavitch’s that “Even at the moment of your failure, you are beautiful.
You don’t know it yet, but you have the ability to reinvent yourself endlessly.
5. AHA moment
A. The biggest moment from the talk is the scenario where Yuknavitch’s baby died before she
was born and the life that followed that uncertainty including living under an overpass due
to lack of home.

Surname 1

The Beauty of Being a Misfit
Main argument
Yuknavitch’s main argument is that there is beauty in a misfit scenario for all individuals
who have a reduced sense of belo…

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