
SOLUTION: University of West Georgia Module 7 Trade Union Discussion

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Running head: TRADE UNION


Trade Union
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Trade Union

Trade Union

1. Trade Unions were first established in 1794 by the Federal Society of Journeymen
Cordwainers. These were shoemakers, and this is what leads to trade unions in America.
They were trying to solve some social and economic issues that arose. Union trade ensures
that the rights of the workers are not interfered with. Most of the workers were mistreated
and underpaid; thus, they needed someone to fight for their rights (Docherty & Van, 2012).
HR can negotiate with the union and the employees for the amount they are supposed to
be paid and sign a contradiction.
2. Labor unions have ensured that the working environment for the workers is conducive.
Unlike before, these days, workers are provided with protective gear to do their work
effectively. Also, the amount that they are being paid is reasonable (Working with labor
unions – Human resource management, 20…

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